Membership Information

Our members are our backbone and our reason for existing. In return, they get an insider’s viewpoint on the telecommunications industry in the state and across the country.

Types of Membership


Regular Members are organizations that are users of telecommunications technology and/or services and meet the following criteria:

  1. Organization’s home or main office or some portion of their operations is located in Mississippi.

  2. Organization is not predominantly engaged in the production, sale or rental of telecommunications equipment or consulting services. Subsidiaries or affiliates of these companies that are not primarily engaged in furnishing the foregoing services may be eligible for membership.

  3. If the organization is a subsidiary of another company and their communication services are sufficiently extensive and essentially distinct from those of their parent company, it can qualify for separate membership.

Annual Dues: $85.00


Associate Members are organizations having home or main offices or some portion of their operations in Mississippi and which are predominantly engaged in the production, sale or rental of telecommunications equipment or consulting services. 

Annual Dues: $120.00